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About us

logo andra 35 years


We are a Polish-owned tech company with engineering traditions.

We provide solutions and project services, implementation, maintenance, and advisory services in the field of ICT, IoT and building services infrastructure.

We build efficient and secure production environments - we facilitate work, reduce operating costs, support the operation, and development of our clients' businesses.

ANDRA was established in 1988 as one of the first companies in the Polish market with an IT integration profile. For thirty five years, we have been helping our clients maximize the benefits of the potential offered by new technologies. Our portfolio encompasses a wide range of solutions in the field of ICT, IoT and technical infrastructure of facilities.

Drawing on solid theoretical foundations, expertise, and unique know-how, we design and implement solutions that ensure the smooth and efficient running of our clients' business processes. We adhere to the principle of technology for business - we initiate projects by understanding the business context that the project is intended to serve.

We undertake projects of various scales and complexities nationwide. Our clients come from the energy, industrial, banking and finance, construction, transportation, media, and new technology sectors, as well as public administration entities.

We prioritize engineering reliability and integrity in business. We value and cultivate long-term relationships.